Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Week 9- Critical Analysis of Game Board

After receiving my critique on my game board, there were many things that people said that they liked such as the leprechaun hiding because usually people have to search for leprechauns.The next thing someone commented on was the color scheme; they said that it was working because it contrasted the illustrations so well.  Another thing they said they liked was that there was a pot of gold and a rainbow because usually in typical Irish stories, you have to go to the end of the rainbow to find the pot of gold. They said that it was very tied together but there were a few things that I could work on. The number one thing people commented on was the font- I need to make it more big and bold so that the title stand out more. The next thing that they commented on was making sure that when I do change the font, I make it the same size all around instead of stretching it and moving it like I did in the top left and right hand corners. What I plan to do to fix my game board and make it better is change the font, maybe try and fix up a few of the illustrations, making them bigger or smaller depending on where I want to put the title. Lastly, I am going to edit the bottom of my box and add some illustrations that also tie into my theme so that the entire game fits as a whole.

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