For our final exam, we were told to go into the SXU art gallery and post about what was in there, why we enjoyed or did not enjoy the displays, what they were made up of and why they were created. To start off, I walked in and saw all of these drawings. I found them all to be absolutely beautiful and very detailed. The artist is Lindsay Surin and she created all of these portraits using a pencil, or to be more specific, "fine pencil drawing". These portraits are absolutely incredible, you can tell she is passionate about her work by the amount of time and effort she put towards these drawings. I found the top left to be very interesting because it reminds me of a ballerina or a dancer preparing for a show. The expression on her face is very peaceful and you can see in her shorts, t-shirt, and hair the amount of detail that Lindsay went into. On the left hand side there is a photo of what I would like to think is another dancer (next to the large portrait in the top right there is 2 people, I believe these are the two dancers shown above). This large portrait is also drawn by a fine pencil and has incredible detail. You can see the muscles on her arms, legs and back very clearly, proving that the artist is trying to show us this girl is in shape. The other two portraits caught my eye but were not as large and the first two so I felt as if the artist wanted the two large ones to be the main attraction. I did notice they too were drawn with fine pencil. They both give me the feeling of depression/frustration. It seems in the bottom corner the woman is looking out some sort of window, thinking about something and in the furthest one it seems like this person is stressed out or frustrated about something. The artist did an incredible job with these two drawings because she went into such fine detail that her art is literally giving the viewer feelings. I could feel the sense of despair while looking at the far left portrait.
The drawings shown above are the ones that really caught my eye. On the top right side it seems to me like the two girls are having problems with one another or they are angry with each other. And then on the bottom it seems that they have made up. These too have been drawn with fine pencil and the detail for both girls is incredible. You can tell my their facial expressions and their body language in the top photo that they are not being friendly with one another and the fact that the artist was able to show us that through just her pencil drawing is crazy. The one on the bottom, also drawn with pencil seems like the two of them have either made up or it is just trying to show that these two are friends. I noticed they have different outfits on so I am unsure if they are the same girls, but their hair looks very similar so I made the assumption that they are. Also the detail on the arms look almost identical to the picture above it. This portrait gave me the sense of comfort and forgiveness. Lastly on the left is a portrait drawn with fine pencil. I enjoy this picture again because of the insane detail but also because it gave me a sense of unity. This picture made me feel like the artist was trying to make a statement about coming together as one which I found to be extremely inspiring. The all of her hard work truly shows through the detail she went into for each and every portrait she drew.
These pictures above were located on the left side of the gallery and because Lindsay had left, I was unable to ask if she was the one who created them. I assumed she was simply because she was the only artist present when I first arrived and her card was the only one available. I thought all of these pictures were very interesting but I personally enjoy seeing art work that is literally made by the artist. So I thought that compared to the portraits above, these did not do as much justice. They were very bight and vibrant and made the room light up but they weren't as interesting for me to look at just because I failed to literally SEE the hard work of the artist whereas above, you can tell how hard she worked with each and every stroke. The one on the bottom was my favorite because of the explosion of color and the curiosity of what is lying underneath to give it such a wonderful color. I truly think these pictures are brilliant but as a visitor in the gallery, the fine pencil drawings really caught my eye the most. Overall, the gallery was stunning and I think it consisted of some of the best artwork I have ever seen. The artist showed emotion and detail with every piece and I thought that was brilliant.